3 Types of Crushers for Low-Tonnage Applications

June 15, 2020
When lower tonnages are required, 试验工厂/取样破碎机可以提供必要的减少,而不需要与相同类型的大型破碎机相关的成本. Here are three types of crushers designed for low-tonnage applications.

如果你一直在互联网上寻找一个破碎机为您的低吨位应用, you may have noticed it is relatively easy to locate the type of machine you are looking for; however, this type of machine is often much larger than necessary, or it is smaller and lighter duty than required for a process application. 

在我们深入研究低吨位应用的破碎机类型之前, we should probably add some definition to the phrase “low-tonnage crushing”. For our purposes, “低吨位破碎”意味着待处理物料的流速小于20tph. 

In-between sizes

机器面向典型的生产需求和实验室环境是常见的-但如果你需要一个更小的破碎机具有相同的功能和耐用性的大型生产机器? Do you try to make due with a smaller, lighter-duty machine that isn’t quite what you are looking for? Can you afford to buy the larger, 更昂贵的机器,这是你正在寻找的一切(然后一些),但很可能超出你的预算?


Fitting in

这个小众市场在低吨位破碎应用与另一个小众市场相吻合 mechanical sampling systems. 机械取样系统本质上是小型物料处理和加工工厂, 这些工厂需要按比例缩小的生产设备才能有效运作. 

This is, in fact, McLanahan是如何开发出今天可用的许多低吨位破碎机的-熟悉大型破碎机和破碎应用,以及在取样系统中纳入低吨位破碎的需要.

Many multiple-stage sampling systems 结合某种粉碎-特定类型的破碎机取决于被取样的材料类型. 

Outside of sampling systems, these machines lend themselves to another very similar market — pilot plants. 同样,共同的主题是需要生产质量的设备耐用的设计 smaller-scale material handling and processing systems that require lower-tonnage crushing.

Types of low-tonnage crushers

Many variations are possible for sampling system and pilot plant crushers -为满足特定应用而设计的机器特征或设计更改, 但麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全提供的这些类型的破碎机可以分为三个主要类别.


术语“锤磨机”是一个相对通用的术语,可以适用于各种设计. In general terms, however, the same basic operating principles apply. Material to be crushed is fed into the top of the crushing chamber, where it is impacted by rotating hammers. 这种冲击使较大的颗粒破裂,并使它们进一步进入破碎室, along with whatever finer particles were already contained in the material feed. 当被破碎的物料被拉入破碎腔的下部时, it is forced against crushing screens, where it is further reduced in particle size by attrition. 


Example of Hammermill crushing action. 

上面的照片显示了锤磨粉碎行动的一个例子,在一个向下运行的磨固定(可更换)破碎屏. 在这个例子中,破碎菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的尺寸主要是由破碎筛孔的尺寸控制的, 通过调整破碎机转子的转速(因此是锤尖速度)来完成破碎菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的微调. 

Hammermills 倾向于具有高破碎比(可达到的比率因材料,物理性质等而异).), and typically produce larger amounts of fines.

Roll Crushers

Similar to Hammermills, 术语“辊式破碎机”可适用于许多不同的设计和不同数量的辊内破碎机. Material to be crushed is fed into the top of the machine, 在破碎辊之间或在破碎辊与破碎板(梳)之间向下拉伸.


Inward crushing Double Roll Crusher.

In either instance, 由于物料在轧辊之间(或轧辊与破碎板之间)的压缩和轧辊齿或轧辊齿与破碎板的剪切作用而发生破碎. Sized material then exits the bottom of the machine.

Roll Crushers generally have crushing ratios of 4:1 to 6:1, and are known to produce a more cubical product with minimum fines.

Jaw Crushers

Jaw Crushers have several sub categories, 但最常见的配置是典型的顶部偏心式设计. In this machine, 被粉碎的物料在移动颚模和固定颚模之间被送入机器的顶部. 物料被压缩破碎,然后进一步向下移动到破碎室, 在哪里反复压缩,直到它到达破碎室的底部(和适当的尺寸),并从机器的底部排出. 

颚式破碎机倾向于生产少量的细粉,通常工作得更好, but friable, materials.


Single toggle, overhead eccentric jaw crushing action.

Selecting a low-tonnage crusher


The type of material to be crushed is the most important piece of information. From there, assuming that we will follow our premise of lower tonnage, 我们开始研究在给定应用中所讨论的材料的具体特性.g. moisture content, abrasiveness, stickiness). We then look at some other items, 如物料进料的粒度和粒度分布以及破碎菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的粒度要求(有时是粒度分布要求). From there, the correct size machine is selected and the drive requirements (motor size, type of drive, etc.) are developed.

如果你发现自己处于“介于两者之间”的情况,你需要一个耐用的生产质量的破碎机,但有一个低吨位的中试工厂或取样厂的应用,不保证使用典型的全尺寸破碎机, a low-tonnage crusher may be just what you need. 

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Tags: Crushing, Sampling

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